Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
The nursery is a loving environment for babies and toddlers (ages birth-3 years). Our volunteers will make sure your child is receiving the personal care deserved as they experience their first glimpse of Jesus’ love.
The nursery is available during the 9am worship service & 10:30am Faith Forward Hour (Sunday School).
The nursery is available during the 9am worship service & 10:30am Faith Forward Hour (Sunday School).

Sunday Mornings
Nursery - During our 9am Worship Service & 10:30am Faith Forward Hour (Sunday School)
Relax, come as you are, and let us serve your family as you experience the power of God's Spirit in worship. For peace of mind, nursery volunteers provide you with a pager to discreetly let you know if your child needs you.