How it all started...
We began when Rev. J.A. Schmidt, pastor of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Fargo set up a tent on a lot on 6th St in Hawley in which meetings were held. The first meeting was held on July 27, 1936. The meetings grew in interest and attendance until the tent was filled about every night after the first Sunday.
On September 13, 1938 work began on a church building on three lots at the corner of 3rd and Joseph Streets. The church was officially incorporated on September 19, 1938.
On September 13, 1938 work began on a church building on three lots at the corner of 3rd and Joseph Streets. The church was officially incorporated on September 19, 1938.

Expanding the vision...
A property search committee was formed in 1985 and by the spring of 1986, land became available to purchase. On May 14, the congregation voted to purchase that piece of property on which to build a new church some day. This land was dedicated on our 50th Anniversary, July 27, 1986 exactly 50 years since the first tent meeting was held.
In 2001 we broke ground at 404 Peters Street, the very place we worship at today. Since that time, as our community has changed, we have seen significant growth in our church. Today we worship in two services and have doubled our facilities, allowing us to minister to even more people.
In 2001 we broke ground at 404 Peters Street, the very place we worship at today. Since that time, as our community has changed, we have seen significant growth in our church. Today we worship in two services and have doubled our facilities, allowing us to minister to even more people.
Where we are headed...
By God's grace, we are on a mission to expand the influence of Jesus in the Hawley area and around the world. We celebrate people coming to faith in Jesus, showing their faith in baptism and living in God's power to love and serve others as Jesus does. We'd love to have you be a part of our story!

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday year-round as we gather to worship together @ 9am, followed by our Faith Forward Hour @ 10:30am.
Sunday School for all ages is available September-May during our 10:30am Faith Forward Hour.
Sunday School for all ages is available September-May during our 10:30am Faith Forward Hour.