Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

As a ministry, our vision is simple: Equip every man to be a leader. We're pursuing all God has for us in our lives, families, communities, and work places. We intentionally create opportunities to work together, challenge & strengthen each other to live for Christ.

Band of Brothers

2nd Saturday each month @ 7am, September - May

Meet with other men for breakfast, laughs, and a challenge from God's Word.
 Contact: Kelly Janke

Kars 4 Kids

Every Tuesday @ 6pm Year-Round

Building wooden cars that are sent to international workers to distribute to kids around the globe
Contact: Ken Pederson

Small Groups

There is a men's bible study happening now September - May for men of all ages. Located in the Meeting Room on Wednesday mornings @ 6:15am.