Every Sunday at 10:30am, we offer many opportunities to grow our faith and engage with one another in Gospel-saturated community.
Sunday School For All Ages.
Sunday School is available for children of all ages during Faith Forward Hour as well as a staffed Nursery for ages 0-3 years old.
Groups & Classes
We offer a wide range of Sunday Classes for adults throughout the year during this time on many different Gospel-Centered and relevant topics. There are also different small groups that become available at different times throughout each month.
Sermon Discussion
There is space to discuss the topic or passages of that week's sermon every Sunday in the Sanctuary during the Faith Forward Hour. This is a great time to connect with others and learn to apply the message on a deeper level.
Want to offer something during Faith Foward Hour?
Our desire is that this hour after service would grow to be a place where people genuinely connect with each other. If you'd like to offer a group, facilitate a class, or lead in some other capacity, let us know! We want to hear from you.